Contraindication & FAQ
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Awareness & Contraindications
Do you have mental health challenges such as anxiety or depression?
There is anecdotal evidence and some research suggesting that sound therapy, including techniques such as gong baths and sound baths, may help alleviate symptoms of depression by promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and enhancing mood, it's crucial to seek guidance from mental health professionals.
Do you suffer from epilepsy / seizures?
At the sound thereapy session, we recommend having someone who could provide assistance if a situation arises.
Do you have metal plate(s) in your body?
Many people reported they didn't feel anything regarding metal plate(s) in their body. However, if you start feeling discomfort, you could get up slowly and leave the room.
Are you in the first trimester of pregnancy?
Sound therapy doesn't pose a risk to an unborn child. However, concerns arise primarily from insurance policies due to the unpredictable nature of early pregnancy.
If the answer to any of the above questions is "Yes", and you have health concerns or doubts, please consult your GP or healthcare provider before attending a sound session. Our sessions are aimed at relaxation, rejuvenation, and insight; while therapeutic, they are not a replacement for current medical treatment.
Q: What instruments are used in a sound meditation?
A: Tibetan singing bowls (or Himalayan singing bowls) are used in sound vibration therapy as an ancient form of regeneration. The first singing bowls were said to be made in Mesopotamia over 5,000 years ago and made their way to the regions of Tibet, Nepal and India. Tibetan singing bowls are forged with alloys that usually contain seven precious metals, which are connected to the planets of our galaxy: gold (the sun), silver (the Moon), mercury (Mercury), copper (Venus), Iron (Mars), tin (Jupiter), and lead (Saturn). When played with a striker or a wooden mallet, the bowl sings “ommmm”, which revives the basic DNA codes and activates the ones that we may not have yet realised. Metal gongs are also one of the strongest musical instruments for healing with sound therapy and vibrations. Its deep tone gives grounding energy. The vibration shakes up heavy energy in the body cells to facilitate release. Crystal bowls are sometimes used. Its angelic and clear tone gives a sense of purity, it's believed to have the quality to hold an intention. All the instruments are played in a specific to harmonise and lead us into a meditation state, allowing deep relaxation for the brain and body cells. It releases stress and eliminates toxins from the body.
Q: What’s the science behind vibrations?
A: “Everything in life is vibration.” –Albert Einstein
Everything in the universe is made up of molecules vibrating at different speeds. This includes physical things like mountains, trees, animals, and the non-physical things like thoughts, and emotions. Human vibrations are composed of everything from physical matter to the way we think and communicate our thoughts. Higher vibrations occur when molecules vibrate faster, and lower vibrations happen when molecules vibrate slower.
Q: Is it important to raise our vibration?
A: Scientific studies, such as Dr. David R. Hawkins’ research on consciousness, have quantified the vibrations of different states of being to create a scale of consciousness. Hawkins believes that every word, every thought and every intention creates what is called a morphogenetic field, or attractor field. He created processes to measure energy fields by testing the sound, light and electromagnetic waves coming off of the morphogenetic field of the human heart when someone is thinking, emoting, or creating. Some examples of Hawkins’ studies are as follows: love gives out a vibration at the level of 500, joy 540, peace 600 while guilt is at a low vibration scale of 30. What it looks like is that when we are vibrating at a higher level, we feel lighter, happier, and more at ease, whereas lower vibrations feel heavy, dark, and confused. We will only attract to ourselves energy that matches up with our energy and vibration. With awareness, we can learn to adjust our vibration if we're caught in a low vibrational experience or scenario. The more we attune to our own energy, the more we see how our vibes affect our entire experience.
Q: What is Bovis value in relation to vibration and energy?
A: Bovis is a frequency scale to measure life force, or chi (qi). The higher the vitality, the higher the Bovis value. This scale was developed by French physicist André Bovis. Bovis value is measured by the vibration of matter by means of a pendulum or Biotensor. People whose Bovis value is less than 6,500 Bovis are more likely to fall ill because their energy level is lower.
Q: What is the love and light energy (essential life energies) in TruSpace candles?
A: Vibration from sound, light and electromagnetic waves coming off of the morphogenetic field of the human heart can be measured. Our candles created with the sound vibration therapy of Tibetan singing bowl rhythms are intended to nourish with this amazing love and light energy. With our craftsmanship, each of our candles has a measurement of 3 million Bovis of essential life energy such as Schumann resonance, cosmic light, gravitational waves and love. Schumann resonance is known as the Earth’s natural heartbeat rhythm with the frequency of 7.83 Hz. When we’re in tune with this rhythm, we will experience health benefits such as an enhanced focus, healing, balance, grounding and calmness. When our life energy is balanced and heightened, we’re likely to gain sharper awareness, our instincts will be activated, and we’ll be able to see new possibilities even when our circumstances haven't changed.
Q: What are the disciplines that Sally Lam has trained in?
A: Sally believes that science and spirituality align more than divide when approached with an open mind. In the past decade or so, she has been exploring diverse alternative disciplines, including Tibetan song bowl techniques, British Academy of Sound Therapy method, Source Radiance Energy Frequency tuning, qi gong, quantum healing, Buddhism meditation, Inner Engineering, Landmark Education, etc. She does meditation daily to clear up headspace for insights, to connect with her inner being and the source, to create space for possibilities to emerge.